Saturday, April 25, 2009

Day (1) on new house

Here is a picture of our hole. We broke ground on April 17th.

1 comment:

  1. YEAH!!! got a blog page. Now I can spy on you and know what is going on with you without you even knowing it! :)
    Your page looks pretty good except for one thing- It needs more pictures!
    I want to see some more of Maddi(that is what I'm calling her) and of course of Easton.
    I hope you are all doing well. I've been thinking about you Jess and hope that you are feeling well after Maddi's arrival.
    Looks like I will be seeing you all a lot this summer. Me and the girls will be with my mom and dad mid June through the first of August. So I will see you soon!
    Hugs to you all and a smooch for Maddi. I just love kissing newborns- they are oh so kissable.
